Join FIN - Invest in Films through Itihasa

We are building a network of investors from across the world who want to invest in Studios, Movies & Web Series created in India through Itihasa Collective.
FIN film investors network

The overall movie
Investment Business


Movies are produced every year


Movies by independent & new investors.


Years Return Cycle

₹ 38K Crores

Market size of Indian Films

Contact us

New Age Investment Platform for Movies

Find Projects

Have a sneak peak into projects at initial stages of scripting and pre production

Form Investment Syndicates

Co invest in various projects of your liking along with production houses, studios or people to get a percentage share of the profits.

Transparent Tracking

Keep a track of your investments like documents, percentage share, film financing in studios and production houses you invested in.

What do members get?

Investing in movies is very hard for an outsider.
‍Here is how we help you


Access to platform where you can discover stories and talent


Facilitation to setup a studio of your own - hassle free


Investment opportunities in upcoming movies & production houses


Access to Narrations, Meetups, Business worldview reports and events


Track Your Investments in a Project

Production Houses in our Network

We work with these brands only across services like Story Pitching, Script Writing, Direction.
P.S: They are not part of the Film Investors Network.

Are you looking to start your own Film Studio / Content Lab in India ?

Our services to help you kickstart a content studio virtually.

Advisory & Legal Support

Allow Itihāsa as a partner in your studio

Use itihasa standard studio formation documents to form your studio.

Use Itihasa agreements for writers, IP management etc

IP Creation

Sourcing Stories

On-Demand Writing Rooms

Story Development Tracking & Direction Support

IP Production

Access to Investors


Creative Producer

Line producers

Executive Producers

Project Account Management

Project Tracking

IP Monetisation

Brand Integrations


Gaming & NFT partners

Our Progress

100 Cr+

Budget across projects approved from Itihāsa writer room


Curated Writers & Directors


Projects in Production with top prod houses


Film Investors
in the network

The Team

The awesome people behind Itihasa


Head - Operations & Community

Prev : Chief Growth Officer at EbikeGo

Ram Vamsi

Head - Writers Room

IIT Bombay, Director & Writer

Siddharth Ram

Head - Business & FIN 

Prev : Accel & Polygon  

Writers Hub

Curated Resources to help writers with best tools, learning material and videos to help them on their writing journey.


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Connect to Itihasa Writing Team

Sitting from anywhere in the world, you can tell your stories to us with full privacy and safety agreements. We will try and match your story to a requirement from the Industry

More amazing features are coming soon…

Have Questions?

Here are some of our frequently asked questions

Are the brands mentioned above part of FIN at Itihása? 

No, they are brands we work closely with to send stories regularly, do pitching or production at this point. FIN is focused only for new or independent investors who want to invest into movies or studios and not production houses.

Will Itihasa invest on behalf of us as investors? 

No, Itihása will only manage the process from onboarding  you as an investor to discovery of stories or investment opportunities into movies, web series, studios etc and help you manage the investment process from sourcing to tracking to returns.

We build trust and transparency in the process with the right tools and communications. 

Does Itihasa Guarantee the returns for the investment made by us ? 

No, Itihasa cannot guarantee the returns for the investments made considering the nature of the industry. We see ourselves as an enabler to investors like you and not manage the money at any level to guarantee returns.

Why should I take the deal forward with Itihasa Collective and not directly engage with the opportunity creator? 

The whole investment is a complicated process and we believe it should be managed well to avoid any fraud, IP issues, copyright issues, legal issues or compliance hassles for you. We have crafted a process that protects you legally and financially in case of any violations by either parties.

What is the minimum investment to be part of FIN? 

You don’t have to pay to be part of FIN but we would need a commitment of investing a min of Rs 25L when there is an opportunity. Considering this is a big ticket industry and we engage with individuals who are open to investing above Rs 25L.

We look at your profile and references to evaluate your membership application. The agreement is signed that needs you to consent to be financially capable of investing a minimum of Rs 25L only when you find right opportunities on the platform 

How Itihasa curates investing opportunities? 

We are a platform of writers and production houses. We have projects from our writer rooms that get mounted into production where we have a closer involvement into the IP creation and partnership with production houses. While we work closely with writers and production houses, these opportunities are visible, accessible or created by us. 

What are the different forms of investment via FIN

You can invest individually in a project or a studio. 
You can invest as syndicates by group of people into a project or a studio.
You can co-invest in movie projects with other production houses to get profit upside

How to be an investor in the movie business?

You need to have deep access to producers, Film making talent and a knack for films. You need to have access to finances or your own capital to invest. 

What asset class does Itihasa opportunities come under?

We operate on Film as an asset or script as an asset which could appreciate significantly post your investment. 
Film has a potential to give exponential returns Script as an asset can give some profits but not exponential returns.

What are the risks of investing in the movie industry?

Risks are very high due and returns are not certain at all. It’s similar to venture investing and not retail investing. 

How are the investments structured?

Investments are structured in IP ownership agreements where a percentage return is committed for the investment amount. 
Investor can track the final income based on the business and get the returns post taxes if any. 

How is my capital protected?

Itihasa is an opportunity enabler but cannot fully protect the capital invested into a project as we don’t manage the project ourselves. 
However, we bring some practices like transparency, escrow accounts if needed, pro rata deployment of capital based on progress. 

How do investments with FIN compare to other asset classes?

Investment in FILMS are significantly different from other asset classes as it involves high risk and failure rate. The closest comparison could be investing in startups or companies where returns are not guaranteed. 

What does Itihasa charge for facilitating the investments?

We charge a flat fee for managing the process for you and unlocking the opportunity. 
We take a percentage of profit upside on IPs that we own or Itihasa Original stories alongside the flat fee. 

We also take a percentage of profit upside if we Co invest with you.If you invest in a story, we only take a flat fee on the transaction and less than 5% commission on the profit. The percentages and fees differ from case to case basis.

What is the average investment horizon?

Average investment horizon could be 1- 2 years for any project to go from story to release. 

Do investments with FIN avail any specialized tax deductions?


What is the usual time frame of an opportunity from start to finish?

1-2 Years. 

Are Itihasa’s investments transferable


Can NRI’s be part of FIN?

Yes, NRIs can be part of FIN and invest into film opportunities or story rights  in India that are open on the platform.  
The money is managed by NRI and not by itihasa at any step. We don’t promise to manage the money or guarantee returns at any step of the process. 

We are backed by

Itihása is backed by prominent people from the investor community